Adrien Darodes
Senior Project Manager
Adrien joined Hystra in 2016 as a strategy consultant and became Project Manager in 2020 and Senior Project Manager in 2023. During this time Adrien led 30+ strategy consulting assignments for inclusive business initiatives in the sectors of energy access, food systems, last-mile distribution, health and agriculture, with clients including DFIs, private foundations and global corporates. They included business model innovation, analysis, modelling and planning, designing global private sector engagement strategies and coordinating their implementation, providing strategic and operational technical assistance either on-ground or remotely, conducting feasibility studies, pilot designs, market studies, policy advisory, facilitating international workshops and webinars, publishing reports, etc.
Most notably, Adrien designed and led several multi-year multi-stakeholder implementation programs supporting local inclusive businesses in nutrition & health (4-year program in Pakistan with BMGF introducing commercial innovations for maternal and newborn health), clean cooking (4-year program in Sahel and East Africa supporting local clean cooking companies strategically, operationally and financially). For the Meriem program, Adrien spent 1.5 year in Burkina Faso working with local agri-food businesses to develop and launch fortified nutritious foods on local commercial markets for women and child nutrition.
Adrien co-authored several reports and publications, including Reaching Scale in Access to Energy in 2017 and Large-scale food fortification: building the business case for the private sector in 2024.
Adrien graduated in 2015 from ESSEC Business School where he majored in social entrepreneurship.