LAST MILE DISTRIBUTION | Design and support innovative inclusive ventures

Helping African Queen digitalize operations

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In 2020, as Uganda was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and put in lockdown, ensuring distribution of essential goods became a challenge. This was the final nudge needed for African Queen, a leading Ugandan FMCG distributor, to digitize its ordering and think through a strategy to better serve smaller shops - that could stay open even under lockdown – in addition to larger accounts. 

Hystra has been a thought partner in the process of digitalizing their operations.

“With the assistance of Hystra, we were able to start understanding best in class models of execution in digital and last-mile, and better segment our customers. You have helped us see and want to develop the future.”

- Kim Kasule, Project Manager for African Queen.

Learn more in this case study.


African Cotton Foundation


Awango by Total