Our Reports

Smallholder Farmers, Energy clarisse pierre Smallholder Farmers, Energy clarisse pierre

Scaling irrigation for small-scale producers: the role of private sector solutions

Climate change is already hitting the world's poorest regions hard: millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) currently rely on rainwater to grow their crops, with extreme climate events increasingly threatening their resilience.

Irrigation in SSA lags far behind global averages (2-5% of cropland vs. 20%), mainly due to the high operating and acquisition costs of available irrigation solutions (manual and motor pumps). Fortunately, innovative technologies (solar-powered pumps) and business models (PayGo and irrigation as a service) have recently emerged to overcome this affordability barrier.

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Smallholder Farmers Guest User Smallholder Farmers Guest User

What works for smallholders and agribusinesses?

Check out this interactive discussion with Hystra and a panel of leading companies including Danone Ecosystem Fund and Juhudi Kilimo, hosted by Business Call to Action.

Watch this webinar and learn more about how pioneering organizations across the world have sustainably increased the income and livelihoods of millions of smallholder famers and why farmers should be considered as active partners rather than aid-recipients.

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