Our Reports
Wholesalers for beneficial products: The missing link for impact at the last mile
Last mile distributors of off-grid solar (OGS) standalone products report finding it increasingly difficult to identify and procure quality, price-competitive products, due to challenges throughout the value chain…
Last Mile Distribution: State of the sector update 2022
This brand new research from the Global Distributors Collective, supported by Transforming Energy Access, provides an in-depth look at the progress and impact of The GDC members and explores last mile distribution trends…
Creating Inclusive Business “Unicorns”
The Covid-19 pandemic affects all businesses across geographies and sectors. Inclusive businesses and their low-income customers…
Mindset drives success: Selling beneficial products at the base of the pyramid
Why are so few organizations selling beneficial products at the base of the pyramid (BoP) successful? This is not simply a story of companies failing…
The growth and fundraising journeys of last mile distributors (LMDs)
What are the critical funding gaps for last-mile distributors (LMDs)? Find out in the research we conducted with the Global Distributor's Collective (GDC), on The growth and fundraising journeys of last mile distributors (LMDs)…
How is the last mile distribution sector adapting and innovating following COVID-19?
This report brings together insights from interviews and peer learning workshops with 23 CDC investees and GDC members operating in the energy, agriculture, health, water, e-commerce and fastmoving consumer goods (FMCG) sectors, along with sector-wide research.
How can the SDC best work with large corporations to reach its impact goals?
Achieving the SDGs by 2030 will require the involvement of the private sector, this view has become a reality in the past years. As many donors, the SDC…
Last mile distribution via online sales - lessons learned
This workshop dug into the opportunities and challenges of selling beneficial products through online channels, including…
Resilience for inclusive businesses: pivoting business models in times of Coronavirus- Webinar
The Covid-19 pandemic affects all businesses across geographies and sectors. Inclusive businesses and their low-income customers…
Finding the sweet spot: Identifying affordable quality solar products for the last mile
As the off-grid solar (OGS) market has matured, and product choice has expanded, distributors and customers report finding it increasingly difficult to…
Pricing Quality: Cost Drivers and Value-add in the Off-grid Solar Sector
Over the past 10 years, a large network of off-grid solar (OGS) product manufacturers and distributors have been tackling the electrification challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa…
The Journey of Multinational Corporations to Inclusive Business
Over the last decade, many multinational corporations have attempted to set up inclusive businesses…
Last-Mile Distribution: State of the Sector report (2019)
The ‘Last Mile Distribution: State of the Sector report’, written by Hystra along with the Global Distributors Collective (GDC)’s…
Corporate Investment Partnerships For Growth And Sustainability (2019)
Today’s social and environmental challenges are putting new pressures on companies, international development agencies, and investors…
Reaching Scale in Access to Energy (2017)
The energy access landscape has been moving rapidly in the past few years: new technologies, emerging leaders, Pay-as-you-Go, momentum for renewables, etc…
Creating Alliances to Accelerate Commercially Viable Sanitation (2016)
Between 2013 and 2016, Hystra supported the Toilet Board Coalition, a global coalition of leading companies, investors, sanitation experts…
What works for smallholders and agribusinesses?
Check out this interactive discussion with Hystra and a panel of leading companies including Danone Ecosystem Fund and Juhudi Kilimo, hosted by Business Call to Action.
Watch this webinar and learn more about how pioneering organizations across the world have sustainably increased the income and livelihoods of millions of smallholder famers and why farmers should be considered as active partners rather than aid-recipients.
Smallholder Farmers and Businesses (2015)
Pioneer companies and organizations have sustainably increased the income and livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers…
Scaling up business solutions to social problems
A silent revolution is underway, as entrepreneurs challenge prevalent notions of business motives and methods to invent market-based solutions to eradicate social injustice…